# update_mac_addresses.sh
# This script downloads the currect mac address data from the IEEE and parses it for nmap and arpwatch.
# nmap-mac-prefixes is for nmap.
# ethercodes.dat is arpwatch.
# Download the current data
wget http://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui.txt
# Divide the data into Manufacturer and Address files
cat oui.txt | grep '(base 16)' | cut -f3 > mac.manufacturer
cat oui.txt | grep '(base 16)' | cut -f1 -d' ' > mac.address
# Paste them back together for nmap data
paste mac.address mac.manufacturer > nmap-mac-prefixes
# Parse the address data for arpwatch
cat mac.address | perl -pe 's/^(([^0].)|0(.))(([^0].)|0(.))(([^0].)|0(.))/\2\3:\5\6:\8\9/' > tmp.address
cat tmp.address | tr [A-Z] [a-z] > mac.address
# Paste the parsed data into the arpwatch file
paste mac.address mac.manufacturer > ethercodes.dat
# Clean up intermediary files
rm tmp.address
rm mac.address
rm mac.manufacturer
rm oui.txt
El archivo "nmap-mac-prefixes" que se genera debe de reemplazar al archivo que se tiene instalado por defecto en la ruta de nmap "/usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes"